Rico is 10 years old and lives in Berlin Kreuzberg, at 93 Dieffenbachstraße. Rico is special, he is „lowly gifted“, which means that sometimes things are simply escaping his head when something is asking too much of him. When that happens he mixes up East and West, left and right. Rico easily gets lost, in his head as well as on the streets. That’s why he prefers to stay home in his „Dieffe 93“.
Here he knows every inch – and especially each and every flat. Rico loves nothing more than looking at flats. Mean people like that FITZKE from the fourth floor call him an idiot, nice people like MRS DAHLING from the third love him for his peculiarities. Rico spends his evenings with the old lady, sitting in front of the TV eating home-made „Müffelchen“. When Mrs. Dahling is in a good mood they’ll watch crime movies, but when she’s hunted by the „grey feeling“ they’ll unfortunately watch schmaltzy love films. Despite his small world Rico is happy child. That’s because he has TANJA, the best mum ever who makes fish fingers with red sauce and who glues dolphins onto her toe nails. Only sometimes, when he sits in the stairways by himself, does Rico get that „grey feeling“. Then he wishes for two things: a father and a friend to discover the great, wide world with.
Who would have thought that off all things a mean child kidnapper, who has kept Berlin in tenderhooks for weeks, would help him to get both? Everything starts with a toothy smile under a motorcycle helmet, a smile that belongs to the 8 year old OSKAR who happens to be highly gifted. In comparison to Rico, Oskar is rather chicken-hearted which is probably due to him knowing so much. That makes it easy to picture lots of bad things for every good one. Despite their differences the two instantly get along. Safely accompanied by Oskar, Rico begins to explore the word outside „the Dieffe“.
What a nastiness of the infamous kidnapper to snatch Oskar away from right under Rico’s nose! The kidnapping presents a difficult challenge to Rico. To get his friend back, Rico has to go out into the wide world of Berlin on his own, venture in all that left and right. It’s a challenge that makes the disco ball in head spin.
CINEMA RELEASE: July 10, 2014
- “Hoffnungsschimmer” for Fairest Production 2013
- Children-Media-Award “White Elephant” 2014 for Best Newcomer (Anton Petzold und Juri Winkler)
- Winner “Best Script” at the Goldener Spatz Film Festival 2014
- Audience Award at the Munich Children’s Film Festival 2014
- AG Gildeprize 2014 „Best Children’s Film“
- Nominated for the “Goldene Henne” 2014
- EMMI of the Kinderfilmtage Ruhr 2014 for “Best Children’s Film”
- EMO of the Kinderfilmtage Ruhr 2014 for “Best Actor” (Anton Petzold and Juri Winkler)
- Youth and Children’s Film Award of the Goethe Institute 2014
- „Goldener Spatz“ 2014
- Munich Children’s Film Festvial 2014
- Giffoni International Film Festival 2014
- „Fünf-Seen“-Film Festival 2014
- Buster International Film Festival for Children and Youth in Copenhagen 2014
- Schlingel-International Film Festival 2014
- Filemon International Children’s Film Festival 2014
- 31. „Kinderfilmtage“ in the area of Ruhr 2014