Call Me Levi (WT)


Production: Lieblingsfilm, Bravado Fiction
in Co-Production with: ARD Degeto, MDR
Service Producer Italy: Viola Film
World Sales Agent: Bavaria Media International

Producer Lieblingsfilm: Robert Marciniak
Executive Producer: Susanne Hildebrand
Co-Producer Bravado Film: Jan Theys, Tim Martens
Producer Viola Film: Alessandro Passadore
ARD Degeto: Barbara Süßmann, Christoph Pellander
MDR: Denise Langenhan, Daniela Mussgiller

Funded by: FilmFernsehFonds Bayern & IDM Film Commission South Tyrol
With the support of: Film Commission Torino Piemonte
Supported by: Screen Flanders, a initiative from VLAIO in Cooperation with VAF
Realised with the contribution of: POR FESR Piemonte 2021-2027 - bando "Piemonte Film Tv Fund"
Tax Rebate: Direzione Generale CINEMA e AUDIOVISIVO
With the Support of the: Belgian tax shelter system of the Belgian federal government via Beside Tax Shelter

Director: Neele Leana Vollmar
Screenplay: Robert Krause, Neele Leana Vollmar
Based on an idea by: David Marian
Line Producer Lieblingsfilm: Jochen Gottlöber, Andreas Habermaier
Line Producer Viola Film: Cristina Romagnoli, Jacopo Marras
Production Manager: Nicolo Nardini
Production Manager ARD Degeto: Sandra Moll

Cast: Vincent Redetzki, Amy Benkenstein, Anton von Lucke, Lea van Acken, Bardo Böhlefeld, Hannes Wegener, Alessandro Schuster, Golo Euler, Roland Koch, Lukas Rüppel, Bernd Hölscher, Niels Bormann, Johannes Silberschneider

Casting: Nessie Nesslauer
DoP: Armin Dierolf
Production Design: Michael Binzer
Costume Design: Katharina Ost
Hair- & Makeup-Design: Tatjana Krauskopf
Editing: Bernd Schlegel
Music: Bjorn Eriksson

In San Francisco, during the gold rush of the mid-19th century, the young Levi Strauss (Vincent Redetzki), son of a Jewish peddler from Upper Franconia, persistently lays the foundations for becoming one of the greatest pioneers in American history. Despite the most adverse circumstances in a rapidly growing city where corruption and political despotism dominate everyday life, unscrupulous competitors and numerous personal setbacks, he paves the way for the global success of blue jeans, which will forever be associated with his name. But without a fateful encounter, this success story would never have been written: When Levi Strauss meets Jacob Davis (Anton von Lucke), a Jewish tailor from Riga.

World Sales Bavaria Media International:

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