Damenstiftstraße 7
80331 Munich, Germany
LIEBLINGSFILM GmbH is responsible for this website.
CEOs: Robert Marciniak, Philipp Budweg
Photos: Luis Zeno Kuhn
Website: Design – Benni Leichtenstern, Implementation – Max Häßlein
The information and data on these pages do not represent a warranty or guarantee, neither explicit nor implied. They do in particular not represent an implied warranty or guarantee regarding the quality, tradeability, suitability for particular purposes or the non-infringement against laws and patents. On our web pages, you can also find links to other pages in the Internet. We would like to remind you that we do not have any influence on the design and the content of the pages to which it is linked.
We therefore cannot give a guarantee for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided there.
Considering these circumstances, we hereby dissociate from all contents of these web pages. This declaration applies to all links to external pages and their content, which are contained on our web pages.
Copyright 2014 Lieblingsfilm GmbH. All rights reserved. All texts, pictures, sound, video and animation files are subject to copyright