Mein-Lotta-Leben – Alles Tschaka mit Alpaka! finished shooting

Yesterday we successfully completed the shooting of “MEIN-LOTTA-LEBEN – Alles Tschaka mit Alpaca!” on Amrum.
The Lotta Island Adventure is a production of Dagstar Film und Favorite Film in co-production with ZDF, Senator Film Köln and Wild Bunch Germany. The film is supported by the Film- und Medienstiftung NRW, the MOIN Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein; nordmedia and the BKM. The photo shows from front to back: Meggy Hussong (Lotta), Timothy Scanell (Rémi), Lars Rudolph (Hinnerk), Philipp Budweg (producer, Lieblingsfilm), Dara Brexendorf & Julia Gläsker (MOIN Filmförderung), Sarah Hostettler (Ms. Kackert), Dagmar Blume-Niehage (producer, Dagstar film), Monika Plura (camera) and Martina Plura (director).