HessenFilm at the film set of Real Life Guys

On the 14th day of shooting of our cinema film “Real Life Guys”, the Hessian film funding agency visited us at the shooting location in Steinau an der Straße:

There were (from left): Anna Schoeppe (Managing Director Hessenfilm), Vincent dela Tour (EVP Country Manager DACH Paramount Pictures), Germar Tetzlaff (Director Local Productions), Thomas Blieninger (Producer Lieblingsfilm), actress Kya Barucki; Sitting from left: actor Richard Fuchs, director Maria-Anna Westholzer, actor Anton Fuchs, Christiane Zietzer (Hessenfilm) and producer Sven Fockner (Real Life Film).

Hessenfilm supports the production of “Real Life Guys” with 550,000 euros, and three interns are also employed through the STEP program in the areas of production, direction and costumes.